Available courses

Scope: This subject deals with the introduction Database, Database Management system, computer application in clinical studies and use of databases.

Objectives: Upon completion of the course the student shall be able to

1. know the various types of application of computers in pharmacy

2. know the various types of databases

3. know the various applications of databases in pharmacy

Scope: This subject deals with the application of instrumental methods in qualitative and quantitative analysis of drugs. This subject is designed to impart a fundamental knowledge on the principles and instrumentation of spectroscopic and chromatographic technique. This also emphasizes on theoretical and practical knowledge on modern analytical instruments that are used for drug testing.

 Course Objectives (CO): Upon completion of the course the student shall be able to

1. Explain the interaction of matter with electromagnetic radiations and its applications in drug analysis

2. Make use of the chromatographic separation method for analysis of drugs.

3. Perform quantitative & qualitative analysis of drugs using various analytical instruments.

Course Objectives: On completion of this course, the learner should be able to apply the principles of spectroscopy for multicomponent analysis and describe working principle, instrumentation and applications of chromatographic and characterization techniques. 

Course Outcomes:  The learner should be able to: 

  1. Explain various methods used for multicomponent analysis of drugs by UV spectroscopy. 
  2. Summarize chromatographic and hyphenated techniques used for the separation, identification and quantification of analytes. 
  3. Describe the working of proton 1H NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. 
  4. Interpret spectral data to predict structure of a given compound. 
  5. Summarize the parameters of ICH guidelines for analytical method validation.

Scope: This subject deals with the application of instrumental methods in qualitative and quantitative analysis of drugs. This subject is designed to impart a fundamental knowledge on the principles and instrumentation of spectroscopic and chromatographic technique. This also emphasizes on theoretical and practical knowledge on modern analytical instruments that are used for drug testing.

 Course Objectives (CO): Upon completion of the course the student shall be able to

1. Explain the interaction of matter with electromagnetic radiations and its applications in drug analysis

2. Make use of the chromatographic separation method for analysis of drugs.

3. Perform quantitative & qualitative analysis of drugs using various analytical instruments.


This subject is designed to impart fundamental knowledge on the structure, chemistry and therapeutic value of drugs. 

The subject emphasizes on structure activity relationships of drugs, importance of physicochemical properties and metabolism of drugs. 

The syllabus also emphasizes on chemical synthesis of important drugs under each class.

Course Content:

Study of the development of the following classes of drugs, 

Classification, mechanism of action, uses of drugs mentioned in the course, 

Structure activity relationship of selective class of drugs as specified in the course and synthesis of drugs superscripted (*)

Course Outcomes:

After completion of this course, students will be able to:

understand the chemistry of drugs with respect to their pharmacological activity

understand the drug metabolic pathways, adverse effect and therapeutic value of drugs

know the Structural Activity Relationship (SAR) of different class of drugs

write the chemical synthesis of some drugs

Scope: This subject deals with classification and nomenclature of simple organic

compounds, structural isomerism, intermediates forming in reactions, important physical

properties, reactions and methods of preparation of these compounds. The syllabus also

emphasizes on mechanisms and orientation of reactions.

Objectives: Upon completion of the course the student shall be able to

1. write the structure, name and the type of isomerism of the organic compound

2. write the reaction, name the reaction and orientation of reactions

3. account for reactivity/stability of compounds,

4. identify/confirm the identification of organic compound

M. Pharm Modern Analytical Techniques as per BAMU syllabus 


• To familiarize students in use of modern techniques of analysis used indifferent areas/ fields of pharmacy.

• To give training in use of the technique & its applications in day to day practice.

• To build on the basics learned at UG level & give the latest advances in the area.

• To give more stress on application based knowledge than instrumentation based one.

• To give hands-on training on use of as many sophisticated instruments as possible.

Scope: This subject deals with the application of instrumental methods in qualitative and quantitative analysis of drugs. This subject is designed to impart advanced knowledge on the principles and instrumentation of spectroscopic and chromatographic hyphenated techniques. This also emphasizes on theoretical and practical knowledge on modern analytical instruments that are used for drug testing.

Objectives:Upon completion of the course the student shall be able to

  • understand the advanced instruments used and its applications in drug analysis
  • understand the chromatographic separation and analysis of drugs.
  • understand the calibration of various analytical instruments
  • know analysis of drugs using various analytical instruments.

Recommended Books (Latest Editions)

1. Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis by B.K Sharma

2. Organic spectroscopy by Y.R Sharma

3. Text book of Pharmaceutical Analysis by Kenneth A. Connors

4. Vogel’s Text book of Quantitative Chemical Analysis by A.I. Vogel

5. Practical Pharmaceutical Chemistry by A.H. Beckett and J.B. Stenlake

6. Organic Chemistry by I. L. Finar

7. Organic spectroscopy by William Kemp

8. Quantitative Analysis of Drugs by D. C. Garrett

9. Quantitative Analysis of Drugs in Pharmaceutical Formulations by P. D. Sethi

10. Spectrophotometric identification of Organic Compounds by Silverstein

Scope: This course deals with the fundamentals of analytical chemistry and principles of electrochemical analysis of drugs

Objectives: Upon completion of the course student shall be able to

1. understand the principles of volumetric and electro chemical analysis

2.  carryout various volumetric and electrochemical titrations

3. develop analytical skills

Scope: This subject deals with the application of instrumental methods in qualitative and quantitative analysis of drugs. This subject is designed to impart a fundamental knowledge on the principles and instrumentation of spectroscopic and chromatographic technique. This also emphasizes on theoretical and practical knowledge on modern analytical instruments that are used for drug testing.

 Course Objectives (CO): Upon completion of the course the student shall be able to

1. Explain the interaction of matter with electromagnetic radiations and its applications in drug analysis

2. Make use of the chromatographic separation method for analysis of drugs.

3. Perform quantitative & qualitative analysis of drugs using various analytical instruments.